export interface APIApplicationCommand
Snowflake application_id :
Unique id of the parent application
optionalInteractionContextType[] | null contexts? :
Interaction context(s) where the command can be used, only for globally-scoped commands. By default, all interaction context types included for new commands [0,1,2]
Permissions | null default_member_permissions :
Set of permissions represented as a bitset
deprecatedoptionalboolean default_permission? :
Use dm_permission
and/or default_member_permissions
Whether the command is enabled by default when the app is added to a guildIf missing, this property should be assumed as true
optionalLocalizationMap | null description_localizations? :
Localization dictionary for the description field. Values follow the same restrictions as description
optionalstring description_localized? :
The localized description
string description :
1-100 character description for CHAT_INPUT
commands, empty string for USER
deprecatedoptionalboolean dm_permission? :
Use contexts
Indicates whether the command is available in DMs with the app, only for globally-scoped commands. By default, commands are visible
optionalSnowflake guild_id? :
Guild id of the command, if not global
optionalEntryPointCommandHandlerType handler? :
Determines whether the interaction is handled by the app's interactions handler or by Discord
Snowflake id :
Unique id of the command
optionalApplicationIntegrationType[] integration_types? :
Installation context(s) where the command is available, only for globally-scoped commands. Defaults to GUILD_INSTALL ([0])
optionalLocalizationMap | null name_localizations? :
Localization dictionary for the name field. Values follow the same restrictions as name
optionalstring name_localized? :
The localized name
string name :
1-32 character name; CHAT_INPUT
command names must be all lowercase matching ^[-_\p{L}\p{N}\p{sc=Deva}\p{sc=Thai}]{1,32}$
optionalboolean nsfw? :
Indicates whether the command is age-restricted, defaults to false
optionalAPIApplicationCommandOption[] options? :
The parameters for the CHAT_INPUT
command, max 25
ApplicationCommandType type :
Type of the command
Snowflake version :
Autoincrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes