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interface APIBaseInteraction

export interface APIBaseInteraction<Type extends InteractionType, Data>

Type Parameters

Type extends InteractionType


app_permissions : Permissions

Bitwise set of permissions the app or bot has within the channel the interaction was sent from

application_id : Snowflake

ID of the application this interaction is for

authorizing_integration_owners : APIAuthorizingIntegrationOwnersMap

Mapping of installation contexts that the interaction was authorized for to related user or guild IDs.

channel_id? : Snowflake

The id of the channel it was sent from

channel? : Partial<APIChannel> & Pick<APIChannel, 'id' | 'type'>

The channel it was sent from

context? : InteractionContextType

Context where the interaction was triggered from

data? : Data

The command data payload

entitlements : APIEntitlement[]

For monetized apps, any entitlements for the invoking user, representing access to premium SKUs

guild_id? : Snowflake

Guild that the interaction was sent from

guild_locale? : Locale

The guild's preferred locale, if invoked in a guild

Guild that the interaction was sent from

ID of the interaction

locale : Locale

The selected language of the invoking user

member? : APIInteractionGuildMember

Guild member data for the invoking user, including permissions**This is only sent when an interaction is invoked in a guild**

message? : APIMessage

For components, the message they were attached to

token : string

A continuation token for responding to the interaction

type : Type

The type of interaction

user? : APIUser

User object for the invoking user, if invoked in a DM

version : 1

Read-only property, always 1