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interface GatewayThreadCreateDispatchData

export interface GatewayThreadCreateDispatchData extends APIThreadChannel

applied_tags : Snowflake[]

The IDs of the set of tags that have been applied to a thread in a thread-only channel

Inherited from: APIThreadChannel

guild_id? : Snowflake

The id of the guild (may be missing for some channel objects received over gateway guild dispatches)

Inherited from: APIGuildChannel

member_count? : number

The approximate member count of the thread, does not count above 50 even if there are more members

Inherited from: APIThreadChannel

member? : APIThreadMember

The client users member for the thread, only included in select endpoints

Inherited from: APIThreadChannel

message_count? : number

Number of messages (not including the initial message or deleted messages) in a threadIf the thread was created before July 1, 2022, it stops counting at 50 messages

Inherited from: APIThreadChannel

name : string

The name of the channel (1-100 characters)

Inherited from: APIGuildChannel

newly_created? : true

Whether the thread is newly created or not.

nsfw? : boolean

Whether the channel is nsfw

Inherited from: APIGuildChannel

owner_id? : Snowflake

ID of the thread creator

Inherited from: APIThreadChannel

parent_id? : Snowflake | null

ID of the parent category for a channel (each parent category can contain up to 50 channels)ORID of the parent channel for a thread

Inherited from: APIGuildChannel

permission_overwrites? : APIOverwrite[]

Explicit permission overwrites for members and rolesSee

Inherited from: APIGuildChannel

position : number

Sorting position of the channel

Inherited from: APIGuildChannel

thread_metadata? : APIThreadMetadata

The metadata for a thread channel not shared by other channels

Inherited from: APIThreadChannel

total_message_sent? : number

Number of messages ever sent in a threadSimilar to message_count on message creation, but won't decrement when a message is deleted

Inherited from: APIThreadChannel